



 帰国後のリサイタルに対し、第1回名古屋市民芸術祭賞(音楽部門)が授与されている。「午後のリサイタル」、「FMリサイタル」、 「題名のない音楽会」(テレビ朝日)、「直純と歌おう」(TBS)等の放送をはじめ、サヴォリンナ国際オペラフェスティバル(フィンランド政府招聘)、ザルツブルグ大聖堂600年祭演奏会、ニューイヤーコンサート(CBC/FM愛知主催)、文化庁移動芸術祭、日生劇場国際児童フェスティバル、「ユニセフ親善大使・徹子のハートフル・コンサート」、清里音楽祭、「俵孝太郎のおすすめコンサート」、名古屋国際室内楽フェスティバル(1995・1997・2000)等に出演。また、ベルリン交響楽団、東京交響楽団、日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団、新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団、東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団、セントラル愛知交響楽団等、国内外のオーケストラとの共演も多く、小林研一郎、大友直人、高関健、松尾葉子、広上淳一、沼尻竜典、ゲルハルト・ボッセ、R.アームストロング、H.Y.カウフマン、R.ペータース、各氏等と共に、バッハ「クリスマス・オラトリオ」「マタイ受難曲」、ハンドン「天地創造」 「四季」、モーツァルト 「載冠ミサ」 「レクィエム」、ベートーヴェン 「第九」、ブラームス 「ドイツ・レクィエム」、フォーレ 「レクィエム」、オルフ「カルミナブラーナ」等のソリストとして、共演を重ねている。

Soprano Kyoko Ikeda was born inNagoya,Japan. After receiving B.A. and M.M. of Music from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, she joined the National Opera Institute of Japan and made her debut as Susanna of “Le Nozze di Figaro.” Winning scholarship from DAAD (Fund of the German government) for 1985 to 1987, she graduated the Opera Department and the Song Literature graduate school at the National Music Academy inStuttgart. InStuttgart,Miss Ikeda received voice training from Kammersinger Sylvia Geszty, and studied interpretation of German songs under Konrat Richter. Her repertoire extensively covers German songs, including Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Wolf, R. Strauss, Mahler, Berg. In 1990 she was invited by the Government of Finland to participate in Savonlinna Opera Festival. Sameyear City ofNagoya awarded her a prize at the Nagoya City Art Festival.Professor Ikeda performed Susanna , Adele, Rosina, Sophie, Micaela, and other roles, and has been actively performing not only on opera stages but also with orchestras. As a soloist, she sang with numerous orchestras includingthe Berlin Symphony Orchestra, Japan Philharmonic, andthe Tokyo Symphony Orchestra. She gained great acclaim singing” Matthauspassion,” “Messiah,” “Weihnachts Oratorium,” Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 9,” and Requiems of Mozart and Faure. She also enjoys appearing on TV and radio music programs of Japan National Broadcasting (NHK). Miss Ikeda, a member of Tokyo Nikikai Opera Theater, has served as a past member of the CBC-TV program council . Kyoko IkedaisProfessor of Musicin the Department of EducationatShinshu University. Director of TheJapan Association for Research in Singing. She received the honor of Aichi Prefecture Artist Award.

At present, Miss Ikeda is Visiting Scholar in the Indiana University School of Music as a recipient of the 2005 Fellowship from the Japanese Government Overseas Research Program for Artists.